
In the area of ​​tax law we provide comprehensive advice for all legal and tax aspects of companies, families and individuals. The constant evolution of business and legislative changes requires a high degree of knowledge and expertise. The tax law team boasts wide experience in various sectors, both nationally and internationally and adapts to the needs and obligations of our clients at all times to facilitate tax compliance. This allows us to provide tax advice with high agile and proactive added value.

Our practice includes, among others::

  • International tax planning and domestic operations
  • Business restructuring
  • Related party transactions and transfer pricing
  • Family businesses and high net worth
  • Corporation tax and tax aspects of the General Accounting Plan
  • Income Tax for Individuals
  • Value added tax and indirect taxes
  • Tax auditing
  • Tax on real estate transactions
  • Specialist advice on taxation for agriculture and associated practices
  • Specialist tax advice for cooperatives, non-Profit organizations and foundations.
  • Tax procedures, inspection, management and collection.
  • Appeals and complaints to the economic-administrative courts and before administrative litigation.